
Impressions is an undergraduate academic journal produced by the Communication Studies students at York University. Under the mentorship of Professor Anne MacLennan, the journal showcases engaging and thought-provoking opinion pieces, essays, book reviews, photographs, short stories, and poems that are reflective of both the subject of Communication Studies and of the world around us. Practical, yet personal: the perfect impression.


  • Essays: 2,500-5,000 words
  • Book Reviews: 2,000-3,000 words
  • Opinion Pieces: 1,000-2,500 words
  • Poetry/Short Stories: 100-1,500 words


All work must be original, and any reference to another work must be cited in APA style.

  • Submitting work completed for other courses is encouraged, however your arguments should be original and unique, and should not simply restate the class material.
  • Submissions must not have been published elsewhere previously, and submissions must not violate any existing contracts or licenses.
  • Submissions must be submitted in: .doc, .docx, .pages format
  • Submission file(s) must be in the following format: FirstnameLastName_FileName
  • Photographs must not contain any profanity or discriminatory signs, symbols, or references, whether direct or indirect, to any individual or group.
  • Photographs must be submitted in .jpg, .bmp, .png, or .raw file format.
  • All photos must also must have been taken personally as creative work, photos taken from the Internet will not be published in the journal